• OUR VISSION
          • To create a learning environment that nurtures, cultivates and fosters creative and critical thinking skills, academic excellence and character Building to develop successful and contributing members of a global society.

          • OUR MISSION
          • To empower students with a holistic, rigorous and international education for success and to build quality school that provide choices to increase


            Message From 

            The Managing Director

            Our motto, “Committed to Excellence in Education” is at the heart of everything we do at

            school. Hence, we at Hilltops Knowledge Village, ensure high quality education which motivates and empowers       our students to be a lifelong learners. Discipline, values and integrity are the very foundation of our school. Our mission is to continue to do what we have always been doing: shaping our students with good character, giving them the best opportunities to succeed, providing them the  best learning environment, the best teachers, the best school facilities, and the best all rounded education. Our mission is to produce outstanding, disciplined and confident citizens  who will make a difference in every walk of their life.






          • INQUIRERS
          • Their natural curiosity has been nurtured. They have acquired the skills necessary to conduct purposeful, constructive research.. they actively enjoy learning and their love of learning will be sustained through their lives.

          • They exercise initiative in applying thinking skills critically and creatively to make sound decisions and solve complex problems.

          • They receive and express ideas and information confidently in more than one language, including the language of mathematic cal symbols.

          • RISK – TAKERS
          • They approach unfamiliar situations without anxiety and have the confidence and independence of spirit to explore new roles, ideas and strategies. They are courageous and articulate in defending those things in which they believe.

          • OPEN MINDEDE
          • They respect the views, values and traditions of other individuals and cultures, and are accustomed to seeking and considering a range of points of view.

          • REFLECTIVE
          • They give thoughtful consideration to their own learning and analyze their personal strengths and weaknesses in a constructive manner.